Saturday, August 16, 2008

hepi bizday my friend

Happy birthday to a special friend.

All my love to you this precious day!

Part of me knows just what I should say;

Part perhaps some deeper word would send.

You're the strand on which I silent write

Before my dreams are swept far out to sea.

In you there's room to canter and run free,

Restoring my lost sense of space and light.

To me you are a place where I can stay,

Hanging out to watch the rush of time,

Drawing in the sand a lazy line

Along which I can go my own sweet way.

You are my sun and shade, my bread and wine.

hohohohoho...aku saje pilih gambo 2

ko kan slalu kata aku ni sengal nak mampus sbb suke ambik gambo time org x sedia


lgpon tu kira ok arrr..sume gambo ko ayam kene sembelih

mkn lagi leher ayam..huwahuwah

slamat hari lahir sahabat baik ku...ko msh shbt yg aku sayangi & ingati setiap detik

semoga persahabatn kita kekal selamanya walau sejauh mn kita dipisahkan

aku sentiasa mendoakan yg terbaik utk ko..


SueGinola said...

Heppi Belated Besday Mas..moga panjang umo, murah rezeki...

Anonymous said...

ni yg hangin nih..besday sedara tade pun wat spesel entry pun...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..(eh..hangin ke sedey??)

zaifariza said...

dei tangghechi,

bizday hang..time tu wa sdh start blogging ka?

x on nak aku buat balated bizdaY'S entry?

belanja akak dulu..baru aku buat

zaifariza said...
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